Creating new spam checks

This document covers how to create a new spam check, which essentially turns out to be a guide on

1. The B(are|ear) Necessities

The very first thing you need to do before creating a new spam check is test if it’s actually necessary.

2. Write a Check

…preferably addressed to me, with plenty of money involved. (Ha! Spelling jokes!)

If you’ve determined that a new check is necessary, now you need to actually write it. The preferred way of doing this is a regex — these are (usually) simpler and easier to maintain than the alternatives. Writing a regex check is pretty easy: just write the regex. You can use regex-checking websites like regex101 to check if you’ve written it right — doing this is encouraged, because regex is not an easy language to speak.

The alternative, which should only be used if a regex doesn’t do the job, is to write a check method. This is done by writing a new method in, which takes three parameters: s, site, and *args (to catch any additional arguments passed, though you won’t need them). s is a string of stuff that you need to check (like the title, username, or post body), and site is the site that the post is on. Give your method a descriptive name, so that its purpose can be judged at a glance.

Your method should return a pair of values. The first is a boolean, indicating whether or not you think the post is spam. The second is a string, which is the why data for the post (and if you don’t know what that means, you should probably be letting someone more experienced write the check — or go learn about it).

Here’s an example check method. This method will say that any s longer than 3 characters is spam.

def ridiculous_spam_check(s, site):
  if len(s) > 3:
       return True, "Length is greater than 3 characters"
       return False, ""

3. Endless Lists

Checks are our ammunition against spam; now you need a gun to fire it from. In our case, it’s a GLOCK — a Giant List of Checks and Keywords.

Scroll to the rules array, which is somewhere around line 641 in This structure describes all the checks that SmokeDetector runs, and how to apply them. (N.B.: It’s not actually JSON, don’t make that mistake — it’s Python dicts.)

You need to add a new entry to this array that describes your check. The general format of this dictionary is:

    'regex': r"Include your regex here if it's a regex-based check",
    'method': method_name,  # Pass the name of your method here if it's a method-based check,
    'all': True,  # True if you want to scan all sites in the network, False otherwise,
    'sites': [],  # If `all` is true, these sites are excluded; otherwise, they are the only sites to get scanned
    'reason': "Name of the reason you're categorising these posts as (bad keyword, link at end of body, etc)",
    'title': False,  # True if you want to scan post titles, False otherwise
    'body': True,  # True if you want to scan post bodies, False otherwise
    'username': False,  # True if you want to scan owner usernames, False otherwise
    'body_summary': False,  # True if you want to scan body summaries, False otherwise
    'stripcodeblocks': False,  # True if you want code removed before getting passed to your check
    'max_rep': 20,  # Posts from users above this reputation will not be scanned
    'max_score': 1,  # Posts scoring above this value will not be scanned

You should only include one of regex or method — checks should not be both at the same time.