
SmokeDetector operates a privilege system. That is, before you are able to use a number of commands (most notably the feedback commands), you must be added to a list of privileged users in SmokeDetector’s code.

Please review this page before getting in touch with someone with a request; once you know what you need, see whom to ping.

Getting reviewer privileges with SmokeDetector

In theory, anyone can be added to the privilege list. In practice, this doesn’t always work out, so as a general guideline, we look for a few things to indicate how qualified you are.

These are all general guidelines, rather than hard limits. Really, we’re just checking to make sure that you’re a sane person who won’t abuse the system. We understand that there are cases of users who have little apparent activity who can be excellent at moderation; we’re also aware that the converse is true. Take note of what’s mentioned here, but also remember that requests are judged on a case-by-case basis.

For Moderators

If you’re a Stack Exchange network moderator, you’re automatically privileged with SmokeDetector in Charcoal HQ (and in SOCVR if you are a Stack Overflow moderator). You don’t need to be added to the explicit privilege lists, as your diamond also gives you privileges with SmokeDetector. We assume that moderators are, on the whole, pretty good at moderation.

Moderators can also see additional information on their site dashboard in relation to spammers and autoflagging participants.

Privilege Levels

There are multiple privilege levels on SmokeDetector and metasmoke, each giving you access to different commands, tools, etc. There isn’t any exact threshold that you have to meet in order to be eligible for many of these privileges; rather the admins will grant them to you at their own discretion. If you think that you should have some of these privileges but you don’t, please contact an admin.

(SD) refers to privileges set in the code of SmokeDetector here, (MS) refers to privileges set from within metasmoke (the admin would then add you using the form on this page), and (GH) refers to privileges set on GitHub.

SmokeDetector privileges (SD)

The process for acquiring these privileges is listed above. Note that this privilege only works per-chat-server, so if you’re privileged in CHQ, you’re not automatically privileged in SOCVR or the Tavern (due to your user ID being different), so you’ll need to contact an admin so that they can add you there as well.

This privilege level allows you to:

Technically, this privilege is granted in the Smoke Detector source code by adding the user’s numeric account ID to the privileged_users list for the room in question. When this is in place, the !!/amiprivileged chat command will cause Smoke Detector to reply “✓ You are a privileged user”.

Reviewer (MS)

Everyone who has SmokeDetector privileges is eligible to get the reviewer role. However, this process is not automatic, so you will need to sign up for a metasmoke account so that an admin can grant it to you.

This allows you to:

Flagger (MS)

Everyone who signs up to metasmoke gets this by default. This privilege will be revoked if you abuse the system.

Core (MS)

Given to people who have contributed to Charcoal in a non-trivial way (e.g. by giving 60+ feedbacks in 30 day, contributing code, or frequenting CHQ). This signals that you are a core member of our team.

Benefits include:

Code admin a.k.a. blacklister (MS)

GitHub push privileges a.k.a. proper code admin (GH)

These people have collaborator access on GitHub.

One of the project’s owners on GitHub will add you as a collaborator to the correct repository by assigning you to the appropriate team on our GH organisation. Note: if you’re already part of the GH organisation, the team maintainer can also add you.

SmokeDetector Runner (MS)

Note that you can still run a SmokeDetector instance without this privilege; however its functionality will be limited without it.

Admin (MS)

These people get access to lots of administrative tools. They are able to see most data that is usually only visible to its owner, and perform system-level administration and maintenance tasks. All admins are also subscribed to the mailing list - any email sent to that address will reach the admins.

They can:

MS Developer (MS)

Only available to our benevolent dictators Art and Undo. Only Undo can grant this privilege level, by editing the database directly from the console.